M 4 with Explore apo 80mm f6, cropped a little
click the image for 50% pixel size

9 five minute plus 30 two minute sub-exposures. Explore Scientific's new APO 80mm f6 refractor and Hap Griffin mod Canon 350d.

This is "second light" with this nice scope mounted piggyback on the Meade 12-inch LX200 classic ueing the Vixen rings with padding..
Acquired, calibrated (warm and hot pixel removal) and stacked with Nebulosity 2.1.3.
Backround balanced and slight DDP in Nebulosity, final processing and jpeg conversion in Photoshop CS3.
field flattened with Photoshop and cropped slightly, before flattner

guided by PHD 1.10.4 using a Meade DSI pro on the 12 inch at f 3.3.