C144P/Kushida - ED80
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15 three minute subs January 31, 2009 as the comet entered the Hyades in Taurus at about magnituce 10.5, but very green.

Vixen ED80 at f7.5 piggyback on the Meade LX200 classic 12-inch.
Guided on the comet with DSI proI on the 12-inch at f6.8 using PHD. Lost guiding at frame 16, probably due to a drop in
SNR as the comet went into the western sky and light pollution... or an owl sat on the scope tube, who knows?

Acquired, warm pix conversion, and stacking with Nebulosity 2.0.10, final backgrond balance with gradentEXterminator,
and a little noise reduction with noise ninja in PSCS3.
