ic 434, the
horsehead in Orion - 7 hours 10 minutes
click images for 50% full size
43 ten-minute subs, started
as Orion was rising and continuing through dawn... This image
was acquired, calibrated with both hot and warm pixel removal,
demosaiced and stacked using adaptive scale in Nebulosity. Post
processing almost entirely in Nebulosity with final amp glow removed
using layer masking, a series of curve applications, slight saturation
adjustment, and jpeg in PSCS3.
Vixen ED80 at f7.5 with
Hapmod Canon 350, guided using PHD, DSI Pro on the 12 inch LX200
at f6.8
--- sky very good, about 3 arc seconds, no winds, 43 degrees ...
and, with the addition
of 2 hours of H alpha
my first try at H alpha
using an Astronomik 13nm clip in filter... no sophisticated blending,
just layers blending luminosity.
added a layer of the original image to correct color using color
blend.. It appears to my eye anyway, that
the Ha has less defienition but a lot more detail in the whispies...