M 20 at f 6.8
M20, the Trifid, 7 x 180
second sub frames using the f6.8 stetup described in the M13 image.
had less luck with the flat frame on this one, and there
was a bit of low elevation sky gradient that is still to be dealt
with... 2000mm is about perfect for this object...if I had turned
it vertical that is... ;-))
12-inch Meade LX 200 Classic
at f6.8, Hap mod 350d, acquired, calibrated, aligned and stacked
using standard deviation, color corrected, DDP'd and curved in
Nebulosity 2b3,
Post processed ( crop, background adjst, slight noise ninja ,
jpeg) in Photoshop CS3
Guided by PHD using DSI
ProI on an antique 80mm Meade refractor, homemade flexi piggyback